Our teams are starting to compile their Tryout dates for the upcoming season. As Tryout information becomes available, they will be listed on our Tryout Registration page, found in the About Us section of the site.
Please remember to complete the Tryout Registration so that the Coaches can see who is or is not coming to the tryouts. In addition to completing the tryout registration, please remember to complete the New-Player Tryout Wavier and the Facility Wavier. These forms are accessible on the Tryout Registration page as well. Tryouts Scheduled: 2020/2021 12U Team
2020/2021 13U Blue Team
Join a strong youth travel baseball organization for the 2019-2020 season. Players will be able to enhance their skills year around through the use of our indoor facility.
- Batting cages - Turf field layout - Pitching cages - Prior MLBand college athletes guidance available - Pitching and hitting coaches available Do you have a young player or know someone that may be interested in joining a well rounded travel baseball organization? An additional tryout date has been added for this year's 10u on September 6th from 6pm - 9pm at the Keystone Nationals facility located at 6799 Carlisle Pike Mechanicsburg just behind All Pro West. Please click below select to preregister 10U (old 9U) or inbox me, Coach Mickley, for info. Please visit our Forms Page, complete #2 & #3 and bring printed copies with you to tryouts. Background: Two of the three coaches have played college baseball and are experienced. Experienced and beginning travel players are welcome to attend tryouts. Looking to fill the roster with no more than 12 players so that players get individual coaching/work.
Tryout Details:
Please visit our Forms Page, complete #2 & #3 and bring printed copies with you to tryouts. To help our Coaches know who is coming before tryouts, please pre-register on our Tryout Registration Page. For questions or concerns, please contact Coach Tad Glossner via phone by clicking here. An additional tryout has been added for the 2019/2020 11U team. Tryout will be at the facility, 6799 Carlisle Pike, Mechanicsburg, behind All Pro-Trailers, on Sunday, August 18th starting at 10AM.
Please visit our Forms Page, complete #2 & #3 and bring printed copies with you to tryouts. To help our Coaches know who is coming before tryouts, please pre-register on our Tryout Registration Page. If you have further questions, please click here to contact Coach Wilson. 2019/2020 8U (new team)
Our facility is located at 6799 Carlisle Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA, behind All-Pro Trailers. Please visit our Forms Page, complete #2 & #3 and bring printed copies with you to tryouts. To help our Coaches know who is coming before tryouts, please pre-register on our Tryout Registration Page |
Quotables“Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.” Categories
January 2022