Nats Family,
Pres. Trump has recommended Social Distancing guidance should continue until at least April 30 and Governor Wolf has added Cumberland and Dauphin Counties to his “Stay at Home” order for the foreseeable future…and schools are now closed indefinitely. I had hoped we would be able to re-open the facility (and schools) tomorrow, but that cannot happen. At the very least, we are forced to be closed until the governor lifts his embargo on non-life-sustaining businesses (I could make a pretty convincing argument that we should open to save our children’s lives). I don’t have any idea how tournament organizers are planning their future. Many seem optimistic for the summer, as I keep getting email advertisements of tournaments. If you have questions, please contact tournament directors. Hopefully all of you and yours are safe and healthy. I know among our parents and coaches we have several care-workers, first responders, and others on the front lines, and you all remain in my prayers and have my sincerest THANKS. Baseball will be back and the Keystone Nationals will dominate the summer. Thanks to all of you for your continued support. Kevin All,
You are no-doubt receiving word from various school districts that they are closing. Cumberland Valley Schools will close Monday the 16th and reopen on Tuesday the 31st. In light of this, the board has decided to close our facility, beginning immediately. I recognize that all of our coaches have keys. Please know that I receive alerts via the Schlage lock and app when the door is unlocked and will not hesitate to involve law enforcement if someone tries to use the facility during this period. I realize kids are going to be home from school and in-need of things to do. I cannot allow anyone access to the facility for everyone’s safety. We will be conducting a thorough cleaning during this period to have things ready on the 31st. This also applies to Sarge’s activities inside the building. This does not apply to outside practices, we only control use of the facility. However, please adhere to guidelines from our state and health officials and use good judgement in gatherings. This virus is not simply conducted via touch and our youth can carry things home to those more susceptible to illness. Thank you all for helping us “lower the curve”. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with questions. Kevin KN Family,
The board is currently discussing how we operate over the next few weeks. Fortunately or unfortunately, there is no playbook for dealing with a virus such as this by an organization like ours. We are looking at the policies and decisions of various local governing organizations, PA and Cumberland County Government, local school districts, local sports governing bodies, etc. As Coach Lebo likes to say, “it’s all about the kids, man.” In this case, it’s all about protecting the health of everyone that walks through our doors. Please be prepared for us to limit activity in the KN Facility over the next few weeks, whether we change how many teams practice at any given time or close the facility completely. All options are being discussed as we monitor spread of the virus. Rest assured, it is not out of panic, but absolute caution…as much as it pains me to say it, it is JUST baseball, after all. Please keep in close communication with your coaches and monitor our social media presence for announcements. Thanks, Kevin |
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January 2022